Planning application from the Church Commissioners for field off Roughmoor Lane Consultation opportunities

I promised to keep everyone in the community informed about the Church Commissioners’ intention to apply for outline planning permission to build up to 60 houses on the large field by Roughmoor Lane. Your parish councillors are very keen that everyone can have their say on this major development and were hoping to have an exhibition in the Village Hall followed by a face to face or hybrid question and answer session with the Commissioners’ representatives in January.

In the light of the likelihood of further restrictions on meeting indoors being introduced after Christmas, the Commissioners are now planning for a virtual consultation.

The plan is as follows. They are currently constructing a website which will include their detailed plans for the site and consultation questionnaires for villagers to ask questions and state opinions. This will be live for an initial two weeks for comment from 12 Jan. The site will remain live after this and so they commit to taking account of new comments beyond this period.

They also suggest a two hour Zoom consultation session for late afternoon/early evening on Thurs 20 Jan. Their representatives will include planning consultants, their highways specialist and their architect.

All this information will be included in a leaflet which they have undertaken to deliver to every house in Westbury on 4/5 January.

I have raised with them the issue that not everyone is confident in using the internet, nor is everyone on line. They have undertaken to provide printed information for those who will want it, so I need members of our emergency plan distributors’ group to alert me to who needs hard copy and I will ensure the Church Commissioners get the names and addresses.

If you have initial comments on this suggested consultation process then do come back to me with them and I will ensure the Commissioners get them.

Meanwhile, despite our concerns about yet another coronavirus strain and the uncertainty of entering yet another year of the pandemic, I hope you will all have a truly Happy Christmas and a less stressful 2022.

Season’s greetings,

Sue Isherwood
Chair Westbury-sub-Mendip Parish Council


December’s Parish Council Newsletter published

The December issue of the Parish Council Newsletter has been published. To read it, click here: Parish Council Newsletter – December 2021

Mendip Society Newsletter and Grant Leaflet

Here is the latest newsletter from the Mendip Society and Information on applying for a small Grant.

Mendip Society Grant Leaflet

Mendip Society Newsletter September 2021

November’s Parish Council Newsletter published

The November issue of the Parish Council Newsletter has been published. To read it, click here: Westbury Parish Council Newsletter – November

Martin West

October’s Parish Council Newsletter published

The October issue of the Parish Council Newsletter has been published. To read it, click here: Parish Council Newsletter – October 2021

Martin West

Bus Service Consultation form

The August Parish Council newsletter will contain more information about this form:

Somerset Feedback Form Round 1 (Final)[2]

July’s Parish Council Newsletter published

The July issue of the Parish Council Newsletter has been published.

It features:

  • The latest on Covid restrictions
  • Rewilding – and the benefits of a little neglect
  • News of the Village Tree Nursery
  • Plans for Westbury’s own rewilding initiative
  • Details of Mendip funding available to support community projects and eco ideas
  • Works carried out at the playing field
  • More on the Village Scarecrow Competition
  • Can you help at the Community Shop?
  • A historic right of way re-established

For the July issue, click here: Parish Council newsletter – July 2021

Martin West

100 Club



 A big THANK YOU to everyone who supports the playing field by contributing to our 100 Club.  We are also grateful to the Friendly Society and to the Parish Council who stepped in to fund essential repairs to the swings.

Together with funds from stewarding at the Glastonbury Festival, and our annual quiz, the 100 Club is a key source of income for the playing field trust. Covid has meant that Glastonbury is cancelled again this year but we hope to run a quiz in October if regulations allow. The 100 Club is the one initiative we can definitely hold and our licence has just been renewed. The first draw of the 2021-2022 will be made in July. The cost per person is £12 per year.


If you are happy to continue or would like to join please would you place cash or a cheque for £12 (£1 per month), payable to ROBERT GLANVILE PLAYING FIELD TRUST or RGPFT, in an envelope. Write YOUR NAME and 100 CLUB and a CONTACT NUMBER/EMAIL ADDRESS on the front and hand it in at the shop. The shop is already accepting payments. If you prefer to pay by BACS the trust’s account details are as follows:

SORT CODE 405240


The first draw will be in July so if you wish to be included please make payment by 17 July.  Winners’ names will be on the village website and in The PEW each month and prizes distributed to winners. There is a 1st prize of £20 and 2nd prize of £10 each month.

Please pass this information on to anyone you think may be interested in supporting the playing field.

Thanks again for your support and we hope that everyone stays safe and well.

Jan Ward (Trustee)
Alison Cole (Treasurer)

Nature Notes – Orchids from June PEW

Colour photographs for the article on p23 of June 2021 PEW

Common Spotted Orchid

Pyramidal Orchid


Greater Butterfly Orchid


Bee Orchid


Plus two bonus photos:

Early Purple Orchid


White variant of Green-winged Orchid