Roughmoor Lane

Communication received from Lichfields and the Church Commissioners on 14th April 2023

Illustrative Masterplan presented to the Parish Council in February Lichfields would like to reiterate that this is an illustrative masterplan.  The layout and design of the ‘safeguarded community land’ including the parking, is not fixed.
Roughmoor Lane – Letter response to the Parish Council
Roughmoor Lane Pre-app Summary

The Mendip Local Plan, Part 2 allocates a site adjacent to Roughmoor Lane in Westbury sub Mendip for housing. In 2021 the church commissioners, owners of the site, produced proposals for development and initiated pre-planning consultation with Mendip and the village.  The proposals and the village response can be found under Roughmoor Lane – Archive.

In the light of the local response the commissioners withdrew their proposals and agreed to revise them, incorporating the adjacent ‘brownfield’ buildings in a master plan for the whole of their holdings.  They now expect to be able to share their thinking with the parish council in January 2023.  As soon as any information is available it will be shared with the village including by being posted under Roughmoor Lane – 2023

At the same time the parish council have set up a Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group with a view to developing a plan agreed by the village by 2025.  Although the scope of the Neighbourhood Plan is much wider than the development site at Roughmoor Lane there is a need for the two to be considered alongside each other and the parish council have asked the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group to help co-ordinate a village response to the church commissioners proposals.  The terms of reference and working papers for the Steering Group can be found under Neighbourhood Plan..