Any Community News

Westbury Community Tree Nursery Open Day

The Westbury Community Tree Nursery is holding an Open Day at 3.00pm today, Saturday 27th July.  All welcome.  Access is from the footpath across Court House Farm (from the stile just opposite the shop)

“The Normans in Somerset” 7.30pm Thursday 21st March

If you came to the Alfred in Somerset lecture last year,

you’ll know that Chris Eldridge is an excellent speaker.

Stock up on Sandbags

The wet weather is causing a lot of localised flooding in the village and this problem seems likely to become more common in the future.  With that in mind the Friendly Society has arranged for a supply of sandbags to be made available, along with sand to fill them.  If any residents would like to avail themselves of an emergency supply, they can pick up and fill the bags (approx. 10 Kg.) at Old Ditch Farm at a cost of £1.50 each.  The money will enable us to purchase more should supply exceed the quantity available or reimburse the Friendly Society.

To avail yourself of this facility please contact Mick Fletcher (870531) or Ian Metcalf (870262).


We would be grateful if those receiving this message could pass it on to those of their neighbours who are not online but might find it helpful.





Community Tree Group Work Parties

The Community Tree Group is still looking for volunteers to join its friendly team of gardeners in the tree nursery. Work parties are held twice per month, alternating between Wednesdays and Saturdays to suit most people.  Tools are provided (indeed for reasons of  bio-security we’d rather you didn’t bring your own) and the dates until next March are available here and are also listed under Events on the village website. We are also looking for  a couple more people to join our mowing rota a task that can be done anytime during the week.  If you are interested contact Buffy Fletcher

SCAM ALERT – gift card emails

If you start getting emails from someone you know asking you to buy an Apple, Amazon (or any other) gift card or token, it could easily be a scam.


Clues to look out for are:

  • an email address that is different from the one your friend or colleague normally uses
  • a subject title similar to ‘A favour to ask’ or ‘Have you a moment?’
  • asking you to send them a photograph of the card

If you are unsure, check with your friend by ringing them up – don’t reply to the email! If it is a scam, tell them to change their email password and let the other people in their contacts list know they may be sent a scam message.

For more details:

There’s a regularly updated list of the latest scams here:

WWII secret Home Guard Auxiliary Units; a little-known part of Westbury’s history

The Auxiliary Units were specially trained, highly-secret quasi-military units created by the British government during the Second World War with the aim of using irregular warfare in response to a possible invasion of the United Kingdom by Nazi Germany.

Westbury resident John Sealy was a member of the local unit, and the Sealy family has kindly given access to newspaper cuttings and documents telling the fascinating story of this little-known part of our village’s history.

To learn more about this secret army, and read the other articles, go to the Westbury Society page where you’ll find downloadable copies on the right-hand side.

Sponsor a Sleeper!

With a new section of path planned to open in August the Strawberry Line Society is seeking to raise funds to pay for maintenance and enhancements to the stretch from Station Road Westbury to Easton Village Hall. We are asking people to sponsor a sleeper – miniature sleepers can be obtained from the village shop or directly from me – See this poster for details.

Community Tree Group – Open Afternoon in the Tree Nursery

Westbury Community Tree Group are inviting all residents to visit the tree nursery on the afternoon of Friday 30th June and, at 5.15, take part in a short general meeting to help guide the future direction of the group.  Please see this poster for details.

Packed Book Stall at today’s Village Day on the Playing Field

If you are looking for a good book, you must visit the book stall at today’s village day in Westbury-sub-Mendip.  2023 is a vintage year and we have lots of wonderful books on everything from art, interiors and the countryside to biographies and novels for summer reading.

Once you’ve chosen your books, there is a packed bric-a-brac stall too – not to mention tea and cake and all the other attractions!

Strawberry Line path at Station Road

Users of the new section of the Strawberry Line path from Station Road to Erlon Lane will notice some construction work being undertaken there in the very near future.  Contractors will be building a stone and stone dust, level path so that the views along the line can be enjoyed by cyclists, wheelchair users and those with prams and buggies as well as able bodied walkers.  A full ecological survey has established where the contractors need to work carefully to protect areas of wildlife interest.

Access to the public footpath that goes from Station Road down past the sewage works will not be affected though users need to be aware that heavy machinery might be crossing. It would be good, however, to avoid walking along the embankment and beyond while the construction work is in progress.