Village news

Despite us all having nothing to do at the present time there are several events planned, both in the community and on Zoom.

You can access them via the Village website, by following the links below.

The Church of England has partnered with Marie Curie on 23rd March 2021 to mark the first anniversary of the first lockdown in the UK with a national day of reflection to reflect on our collective loss due to Covid-19, support those who have been bereaved, and hope for a brighter future.

Bellringers have been invited by the Church to participate in this day by marking the end of the one minute silent reflection at 12 noon by tolling a bell at 12:01.  There are other ways to get involved on the day detailed on the Marie Curie website at

Accordingly one of the bells at St Lawrence’s will be tolled at 12:01 on Tuesday 23 March


There is an update on the Playing Field and notice of the AGM added here.


The WI have been meeting on Zoom, our next speaker is John Barkle talking about his book, details here.


The Friends of Westbury Church have their AGM in April, and information about the Charity can be found here.


Comet over Westbury

Steve Penfold has kindly shared this excellent clip of a comet over Westbury apparently taken by a smart doorbell!


Parish Council Newsletter


Chair’s update

Feb 23rd 2021


Dear all,


Westbury Parish Council has decided that the need for information about Covid is now neither so regular nor so urgent that they have to publish updates on a weekly basis.  At the same time, it is clear that many people value the general village information that the updates have included and would like to continue to receive it.

From now on therefore, the Parish Council will publish a regular monthly newsletter, including information about the pandemic when needed.  This newsletter will only be posted as a news item on the village website.

We all owe a huge debt of thanks to Mick Fletcher and Sue Reece who have spent many hours sifting through government statements, kept up a steady flow of reliable information and ensured that the community has a number of support networks to    access. Most of these are still  in operation so here is our handy list for you to print out and put on your personal notice boards.

I’m also taking this opportunity to publicise a new statement from the Friends of Westbury Church and the latest guidance from the government on changes to lockdown restrictions.

Over 100 people already receive village news updates directly to their inbox, but if you haven’t yet subscribed, it’s easy and anonymous and you can unsubscribe at any time.


To subscribe, open the village website homepage,


then go to the bottom right of the page. Add your email address in the box and click Subscribe.


You will then start receiving news posts in your email inbox whenever a new one is posted to the website.


If you don’t have internet access, please let me know if you need printed copies of the newsletters.


Keep safe,



Sue Isherwood

Chair Westbury-sub-Mendip Parish Council

01749 870457

Strawberry Line – Planning

Lidl have submitted a planning application for a development in Wells along the proposed route of a cross city cycle path.  With a little adjustment the development could be configured to benefit cyclists and walkers.  Look at this map and use the link provided to comment to Mendip

Strawberry Line Bird Survey

Those keen on wildlife will be interested to see this report on breeding birds along the Strawberry Line.  It suggests that the concentration of breeding birds along the line is greater than in much of the farmland the route passes through – another reason to support the development of off-road paths.

Strawberry line work party

To help progress the Strawberry Line groups of volunteers have been organising work parties to help maintain existing sections of the route. This not only makes it more pleasant for users and encourages people to take advantage of the path but also demonstrates to the public authorities that there is the enthusiasm and the skill to maintain the route after it is built. The volunteers have now started work on the section of path linking Rodney Stoke and Draycott. If anyone would like to join them they next meet at 9.30 on Tuesday 18th August at the point indicated on the map below; just turn up or leave a message using the form on the Strawberry Line page (under community)

The Strawberry Line – bridge blockage

Plans to develop a section of the Strawberry line through Shepton Mallet have hit a blockage – the Department of Transport which claims to be promoting sustainable transport options is blocking plans for safe access under the A371 by not allowing use of a former railway bridge. This article explains more.

Lynch Lane Sunshine, Maximum and Minimum Temperatures and Rainfall for 2006 to 2020

Below are links to the data for the months March to June inclusive.  July and August will be added as we get there. The data for March to May have been posted earlier but you would have to chase about to make comparisons between months.  There is a separate file of Photo-voltaic generation totals for each month since 2010 which is a proxy for amount of sunshine.  An attempt is made to suggest which of the years has been sunniest and in which months.


2020.4.5 March max min rain and sunshine data 2006 to 2020  

2020.4.30 April max min rain and sunshine data 2006 to 2020

2020.6.1 May max min rain and sunshine data 2006 to 2020

2020.6.30 June max min rain and sunshine data 2006 to 2020

2020.6.30 Monthly kWh totals 2010-2020

Cookie Controller

The Parish Council has funded a Cookie Controller for the Parish Council website, and the website hosts, Tickbox Marketing, implemented it on the live website this morning. This makes the website compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

When viewing the Parish Council website, you will see the Cookie Controller Icon on the bottom right of your browser screen. When you click on the Cookie Control Icon a side panel opens, explaining that the website uses two types of Cookies, ‘Necessary Cookies’ which are essential for the site’s functioning, and ‘Analytical Cookies’ which are useful for monitoring and improving the use of the site. You can turn the Analytical Cookies On or Off (the default is On). The website will remember whatever setting you have chosen for 90 days.

If you have any comments or questions do add a comment to this Post, or email me

Mark Smith

Website Administrator


Photo Voltaic Panel total generation since 2010 for months March to August. Lynch Lane, Westbury-sub-Mendip

2020.5.29 Monthly kWh totals 2010-2020