Parish Council Emergency Plan being Updated

At the Parish Council meeting on 05/09/22, it was agreed that this News Post should be issued to inform the community that the current Parish ‘Emergency Plan’ is in the process of being reviewed and updated.

The current Emergency Plan can be found on a sub-page on the Parish Council webpage of the Westbury Sub Mendip village website.



SCAMS – phone calls & more…

Number spoofing

Scammers can ‘spoof’ the phone number they’re calling from, so the number showing on your Caller ID may not be the number the call is being made from.

Recently a Westbury resident received two calls which appeared to be from local 01749 numbers – but they weren’t. So be careful, even if the number shown looks like it may be someone you know.


Energy rebate scams

More information about the current flurry of energy rebate scams:


and a reminder…

Which? offers free email updates on scams; if you haven’t already signed up for these, here’s the link:

SCAM emails and texts – energy bill rebates

Watch out for emails offering rebates or grants towards fuel costs – although many are easy to spot, some scammers will go to the trouble of creating highly realistic emails and text messages.

One of a number active at the moment claims to come from Ofgem, but the email address ends in .ro which shows that it probably comes from Romania. All Ofgem emails always end

The red “Claim your rebate now” button in this scam email doesn’t go to Ofgem, but to a completely different site which will doubtless ask for your personal and bank details so they can ‘send you the rebate’ – of course they won’t.

Scammers won’t just fake Ofgem emails, they might make them appear to come from a local council or a government department, so do be careful.

This webpage tells you how to avoid and report Ofgem scams:

Wells Bus Group

Those campaigning to save the 126 bus route may be interested in the work being undertaken by the Wells Bus Group including plans for a mass rally on 5th September.  There are also new comments to view on this issue on the website   WBUG PR Summary for 8.8.2022

Residents comments on the 126 bus service

A number of people have posted interesting comments on the proposal to withdraw the bus service from Wells to Shepton.  See them here

Proposal to withdraw the 126 bus service from Wells to Weston

Many people will already know that First Bus are proposing to withdraw the 126 bus service from Wells to Weston – the only route which serves this village. If you wish to add your voice to those protesting about the loss of service, which will make life difficult for anyone without access to a car, and increase traffic on the A 371, you can sign a petition here. 

Message from the Parish Emergency Planning Group


The weather over the weekend and the following two days is expected to become particularly hot.  The Met office have issued a weather warning about the dangers of excessive heat and the NHS has issued guidance on how to cope in hot weather. Older people and those with health conditions are particularly vulnerable to the effects of very hot weather and we are asking everyone to look out for neighbours who might be especially affected.

Could the Eyes and Ears contacts make a point of getting this information to those who cannot access on-line information and let us know if there is anyone who needs particular assistance.   If you need help in doing so, please get in touch.

Mick Fletcher 870531

Ian Metcalf 870262

Sue Reece  870618

A History of the Church in Westbury

A detailed history of the Church and Christianity in Westbury, by Tony Nott, has now been uploaded to the village website.  It can be accessed via  this link

Website WordPress Upgrade

Earlier today (Friday 17 June 2022) our Westbury Sub Mendip website was upgraded by the website providers, Tickbox Marketing, as funded by the Parish Council.

The upgrade was to the WordPress software with which the website is built, and it is the first such upgrade in our website’s history, so this is quite a milestone!

The jump in WordPress versions was from 4.8.19 to 6.0, so was quite a big step. In theory, the website should still look much the same, however if you do notice any changes, good or bad, I would be interested to know – please email me , Mark Smith, at:

You can of course also add any comments to this News Post

The WordPress upgrade will make the website more resilient, and the data on it more secure. So a big thankyou goes to Tickbox Marketing for what has been significant work for them, and also to the Parish Council for funding this upgrade and the continuing operation of the website.

P.S. It is possible that the Subscribers to News Posts are not now receiving an email notification when a new News Post is published. This is being investigated, and I will issue an update in due course.

P.P.S. Subscribers are receiving email notification of new News Posts, so any problem seems to be resolved. But do let me know if you think there are any ongoing issues with email notifications.

Westbury Community Shop Jubilee window

Westbury Community Shop is celebrating the Platinum Jubilee with a special window display designed by Charles Wilson.