The Friends of Westbury Church committee would like to give you an update on our Charity.
Membership remains £10 for an adult and £5 for a young person under the age of 21- although we would be happy to accept any donation to help with the maintenance of St Lawrence’s Church, especially in these difficult times.
The Coronavirus pandemic has caused The Friends to cancel all of our fundraising events planned. However there continue to be various projects that the Church wardens are overseeing, probably the most important at the moment being the repair of the organ.
It may seem strange when there are no services in Church at the moment, but when we can resume, even if no singing is allowed in church services, some music would help to keep an atmosphere of peace and calm. To facilitate this the Friends have recently donated £1,500 for the restoration of the organ and associated work.
From inception up to the end of 2020, the Friends of Westbury Church has raised almost £57,250 and those funds have been, and continue to be, used to help pay for a variety of different projects, all of which meet the charity’s objective. Thanks to the generosity of the community of Westbury-sub-Mendip.
Below is a membership form, which we would ask you to complete and . if you are a UK taxpayer, please consider making you gift even more valuable to us by completing the Gift Aid declaration. This does not cost you anything but it does mean that we can claim back from the Government any tax you have already paid on your money.
If you would consider paying by standing order that would also be a great help to our treasurer.
Please leave completed form or donation at the village shop with your name and address, or drop it into Sue at Medlar House, The Square. Thank you.
Application for Membership
Please leave completed form or donation at the village shop with your name and address, thank you
I wish to become a “Friend of Westbury Church”
and enclose the sum of £………….. as my first annual subscription/ please send me details for standing order payment
(Block capitals please)
Signed Date
Gift Aid Declaration
(Please insert your full name)
(Please include your full address including the post code)
I hereby declare that I wish all donations I make to The Friends of Westbury Church after 6th April 2000 by way of membership subscription or otherwise to be treated as Gift Aid Donations. I understand that I must pay an amount of Income Tax or Capital Gains Tax in the relevant year equal to any tax reclaimed by The Friends of Westbury Church.
Signed Date