Community Tree Group – Open Afternoon in the Tree Nursery

Westbury Community Tree Group are inviting all residents to visit the tree nursery on the afternoon of Friday 30th June and, at 5.15, take part in a short general meeting to help guide the future direction of the group.  Please see this poster for details.

A371 closed at Draycott Wednesday to Friday this week!

Bristol Water works in Draycott mean the A371 will be closed there for about three days. There will be a diversion route, but watch out for increased traffic on side roads.

If anyone knows how this will affect the 126 bus, please post a comment.

Strawberry Line – Erlon Lane to Ebbor Lane

After years of campaigning, work is finally underway on a key stretch of the Strawberry Line connecting Westbury to Easton.  It will start at the point the recently built path from Station Road stops and continues until Ebbor Lane, just by Easton Village Hall.  For the first time there will be a safe off-road route between the two villages suitable for walkers, cyclists and wheelchairs.  Further details can be found here.

The path is expected to open to the public sometime in August.  Until then people are asked to refrain from exploring the route and its surroundings.  Not only is it a dangerous construction site with heavy machinery in daily use but it remains private land.  We have only been able to take this step forward through the goodwill of the farming families whose land it crosses and it is most important that we do not abuse that goodwill by trespassing before the path is finished and securely fenced.

Anyone wanting to know more about the Starwberry Line project or willing to help with it can contact me at

Packed Book Stall at today’s Village Day on the Playing Field

If you are looking for a good book, you must visit the book stall at today’s village day in Westbury-sub-Mendip.  2023 is a vintage year and we have lots of wonderful books on everything from art, interiors and the countryside to biographies and novels for summer reading.

Once you’ve chosen your books, there is a packed bric-a-brac stall too – not to mention tea and cake and all the other attractions!

Neighbourhood Plan

Minutes of the meeting of the Neighbourhood Plan Working Group on 4th May are available here

Re-imagining Axbridge Deanery

The Axbridge Deanery stretches from Burnham on Sea to Easton. Representatives from each parish attend regular synod meetings, which are held in a different parish each time. They aim to support one another across the Deanery and to discuss new ideas.

Our new Bishop, Michael, is also looking at the Bath and Wells Diocese as a part of the national Church. Bishop Michael recently reminded us that the present church structure is very Victorian and not at all like the early Church. Our present day expectation is that we will have a leader, usually a vicar, who will be responsible for the functioning of each local church. The early Church set up by Jesus was very much more a group organised affair. Bishop Michael suggests that perhaps we should look towards that model for the future, in order to make best use of what we have.

The Axbridge Deanery is also considering what might be the best organisation for us to make use of the talents, skills and assets which are to be found in our parishes. This will require thought and prayer.

Members of the P.C.C.’s of the PEW parishes met recently to discus ideas to take to the next Axbridge Synod meeting .

If you have any thoughts, ideas or, suggested areas for development of under used resources in our parishes, please send them to the churchwardens, their contact details are on the back page of the Pew Magazine.

Developing a Neighbourhood Plan

The Parish Council has updated its website to help make information about the preparation of a Neighbourhood Plan more accessible to the village.  On these pages you can find all the minutes and agendas of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group and other working papers relevant to their work.  There is also an archive of papers produced by previous working groups.

The Council has asked the same steering group to help co-ordinate a village response to any new proposals put forward by the church commissioners for development adjacent to Roughmoor Lane. There are sepate pages giving access to all the material produced in response to earlier proposals and to any new proposals which may be brought forward.

Community Tree Nursery Open Day

Westbury Community Tree Nursery is holding an open day on Saturday 15th October from 11.00 to 3.00.  All welcome.  Do come and look at what the group has achieved in a few short months and learn about its plans for the future.

Refreshments are available.  For further details see here


Over 50? Feeling less steady on your feet than you used to be?

As we get older, muscle strength is reduced and some movements, such as leaning sideways or turning quickly, can cause a loss of balance. This can begin earlier than expected, from our early fifties onwards. To prevent a loss of balance and strength over time, strength-building exercise is recommended. The good news is, you don’t have to start weight lifting to build strength – hill-walking, yoga, team sports like tennis and cricket, or even just climbing the stairs can all help to build muscle strength and prevent falls and injuries later in life.


Stronger 4 Longer is a new campaign from Somerset Activity and Sports Partnership encouraging adults over 50 across Somerset to build muscle strength to protect their future health. To find out how to get started, visit the Stronger 4 Longer website.


Annual Grants from the Parish Council

The annual applications of Grants from the Parish Council is now open, any village organisation that would like to apply for a grant from the Parish Council, please read the Grants Policy and send the completed application form to the Parish Clerk by Monday 26th September where it will be considered at the Parish Council Meeting on Wednesday 5th October.  Applications can be sent by email to

Grant Policy May 2022