The parish council has booked the village hall on Sunday 23rd February from 4.00 – 6.00 for a public meeting to consider the church commissioners’ proposals for Roughmoor Lane. Although this is after the quoted date for submitting comments the PC has asked for an extension and such requests are normally granted.
Full details of the application (43 documents in all) can be found on the Somerset Planning Portal by quoting the reference 2025/0137/OUT.
Alternatively the Design and Access Statement, which provides a full overview of the proposals, can be accessed from the village website.
The purpose of the meeting is to help villagers understand what is proposed and assist them to form a judgement and submit individual comments if they so wish. The Neighbourhood Plan Working Group, set up to advise the PC, will be able to advise on how to frame comments that carry weight in planning terms. In due course the PC will consider the proposals itself, taking into account the views expressed in this and other forums.