Comments from Ellie Mains

Comments submitted by Ellie Mains here.  Its a useful reminder that although it is now after the deadline the agents have agreed to still consider comments.  Moreover sharing ideas this way will help prepare our case in connection with the formal planning application.

Response to the Consultation for the Church Commissioners Ellie Mains


Final summary of responses

As submitted to Lichfields just now.  Thanks for all the help with it

summ responses

Draft summary letter to CC

I attach a summary response to the CC proposals.  Can people look at quickly and let me have comments by early evening.  If your comments are substantial please consider putting them in a separate note for the website that I can reference — I only have time for limited changes before tonight’s deadline.  It would help greatly if you could offer specific wording rather than saying, for example “it ought to say more about the phosphates issue”

summ responses

Minutes of Roughmoor Community Group Meeting


Minutes of Roughmoor Community Group Meeting 23 Jan 2022-1

Pedestrian Crossing Guidance

A helpful document posted by Robin Shellard here.   He also makes the useful point that those who want no development at all and those who just want to make it better can use the same argument.  The Mendip Plan highlights the need for a safe pedestrian route to the village core.   If the developers fail to provide one it is a strong argument for refusing their plans. If they provide one (and its their job to work out how) we get a much needed improvement



Roughmoor Lane. Where to address objections.

I have been asked where objections to the proposed development should be sent. This is a three part answer.

1. For the pre-planning consultation (ie what is on the table now) letters or emails should be sent to Lichfields at the addresses below

  • Email your comments to or

  • Post your comments to WSM Consultation, Lichfields, The Quorom, Bond Street, BS1 3AE.

2. For the formal outline planning application (which will appear around the end of February)  comments will need to be sent to Mendip DC .   Advice on how will be circulated as soon as an application is made and it has a reference number.

3. You can, of course , write to anyone else you think might influence the church commissioners   eg the Archbishop of Canterbury, our local MP or whoever..

Writing letters of objection

At the meeting on Sunday night I was asked to give some ideas on writing letters of objection to the proposed development at Roughmoor Lane.  Two key points came out that night

1. If lots of people send in a standard letter it will be ignored.  To have an effect it is best to use your own words

2. At every stage it is more powerful if you can show how the developers are failing to meet the policies set out in the Mendip Plan.   This is particularly the case when it comes tpo the formal application stage.

This note therefore sets out the specific policies set out by Mendip alongside the allocation of land at Roughmoor Lane (and an embedded link to the document should you wish to see it all) Alongside each policy there are suggestions as to which of our concerns are relevant.  You may well think of others.  As an example you might write something like.

The plan says “The site should be designed to safeguard the amenity of neighbouring residential properties”   Putting a community facility at the NW corner of the development will increase traffic and parking problems to the detriment of all those living along the lane.”

Linking objections to the plan2

Recording of the Meeting with the Church Commissioners on 20th January 2022

Following the Zoom meeting with the Church Commissioners and Lichfields on Thursday 20th January 2022 and requests for copies of the recording, please email the Clerk on and the file will be sent via WeTransfer.