Lost & Found

A small bronze coloured plastic box marked “SAMSUNG, sound by AKG” was
found by Ray Collins on the hillside on Monday 21st February. It
appears to be a charging unit for Samsung hearing aids, and is fitted
with a USB socket.
If you have lost this unit, or know who has, please leave a Comment on
this Post, or email webadmin@westburysubmendip-pc.gov.uk


Roughmoor Lane Consultation Meeting 9th March

There will be an opportunity to meet the representatives of the church commissioners in an open meeting in the village hall on Wednesday 9th March between 2.00 pm and 7.00 pm. Details are here.LF62094 Roughmoor Lane – Consultation A4 Poster – Feb22

Westbury Shop Manager Vacancy

As many in Westbury will know, Penny Colwill is retiring from the position of Shop Manager at the end of May. Penny has played a central part in the success of the Shop since it was founded as a Community Benefit Society back in 2015, and we are looking for a confident, self-motivated person with experience in retail to replace her.
For details of the post, please see the Job Advertisement. The deadline for applications is 15 March. We expect to interview candidates in late March or early April, so that we can appoint a new Manager in time for them to complete any training which may be necessary before taking over responsibility for the Shop.
This is a part-time position, and we believe it may be particularly attractive to people living locally. So please spread the word!
Axel  Goodbody
(on behalf of the Shop Management Committee)

Roughmoor Lane Developments – Village Survey

This is a reminder that you can record your views on the church commissioners’ proposals for developments at Roughmoor Lane by completing the short village survey which is being circulated. To be most useful it needs to be completed and submitted, preferably online, by Friday 18th February. If you have not received a copy either by email or through the door you can access it here

February’s Parish Council Newsletter published

February’s edition of the Parish Council Newsletter has been published.To read the Newsletter, click here: WSMPC_Newsletter_ Feb2022

Help needed with traffic survey

Gill Cook and her group looking at traffic issues in relation to the Roughmoor Lane development proposals are seeking volunteers to help conduct a traffic survey. Please see the attached poster.  Personal contact details have been removed from this version for security reasons but you can sign up in the village shop.  Westbury residents should have contact details for Gill and others on the papers distributed through the ‘Eyes and Ears’ network.

Please help bring this to the atttention of your neighbours

Our Village Needs You web version

Roughmoor Lane Meeting – Sunday 6th

The Roughmoor Lane Community Group have organised another meeting in the village hall to discuss our response to the proposals of the church commisioners.   It will take place on Sunday 6th February from 6.00 to 7.30.

Church Commissioners. Possible meeting

Peter and Jackie Laws have forwarded this letter from the church commissioners which offers hope of a face to face meeting

From Church Commissioners. Possible meeting