Westbury Society
The Westbury Society provides opportunities for local residents and others to learn about and become involved in the archaeology, wildlife and local history of Westbury-sub-Mendip and its surroundings.
Westbury Society activities include:
- Monthly lectures in Westbury Village Hall – see Events calendar for details
- Weekly archaeology group meetings – see Events calendar for details
- Annual butterfly, swift and glow-worm surveys. Download the Butterfly Survey here: Butterfly Survey Form draft
- Occasional outings to lectures and places of interest
We publish several different items:
- Westbury Walks – descriptions of walks in and around the parish available from the Village Shop. Download sample walk here Hollybrook Walk
- Westbury Calendar – annual calendar with photographs from the village
- Archaeological reports – see caf.archaeologyuk.org/WestburySociety for examples
- Detailed list of baptisms in St Lawrence church up to 1920. Click here Westbury Baptisms for a downloadable .pdf **
- Detailed list of marriages in St Lawrence church up to 1920. Click here Westbury Marriages for a downloadable .pdf **
- Detailed list of burials in St Lawrence churchyard up to 1920. Click here: Westbury Burials for a downloadable .pdf **
- Newspaper articles about the local Home Guard Auxiliary Units. These were specially trained, highly-secret quasi-military units created by the British government during the Second World War with the aim of using irregular warfare in response to a possible invasion of the United Kingdom by Nazi Germany. For background click here: Auxiliary_Units The downloadable articles are in the sidebar on the right of this page.
- Three downloadable MS Excel spreadsheets giving details of the memorial stones in St Lawrence churchyard. The People and Details spreadsheets have separate tabs for each person or memorial; tabs are usually found at the bottom of the Excel screen. Westbury Churchyard Memorials List , Westbury Churchyard Memorials People , Westbury Churchyard Memorials Details
** The amount of data in these files means the print size is small, so we suggest you increase the magnification to 150% or more to read them.
Contact details:
- email: Please use the form at the bottom of this page
- Peter Bright 01749 870640
- Andrew Buchanan 01749 870404
Local Information:
- Wikipedia page: Wikipedia/Westbury-sub-Mendip
- Strawberry Line Multi-user Path: www.thestrawberryline.org.uk
- Somerset bird list: Avibase Somerset checklist
Useful websites:
Archaeology & Local History
Wells & Mendip Museum www.wellsmuseum.org.uk
Somerset Archaeological and Natural History Society www.sanhs.org/index
Somerset Record Office www1.somerset.gov.uk/archives/
Wildlife and Conservation
Somerset Wildlife Trust www.somersetwildlife.org
Mendip Hills AONB www.mendiphillsaonb.org.uk
Butterfly Conservation Trust butterfly-conservation.org
Hawk & Owl Trust hawkandowl.org
RSPB www.rspb.org.uk
Bat Conservation Trust www.bats.org.uk