Stockhill Woods tree works

Good afternoon,

I am writing to let you know that we will be starting work Stockhill Wood tomorrow, where we will be removing diseased larch trees. Although these operations may not directly affect parish residents, I wanted to let you know that they may have a visual impact on the landscape.

We are legally required to carry out this work because areas of the forest are suffering from Phytophthora ramorum, a destructive tree disease which is affecting many of the nation’s larch trees. Phytophthora ramorum is harmless to people and animals, but highly infectious and harmful to trees and some other plant species.

I have attached a map to explain where we will be working. In areas highlighted red, there is a high density of infected trees and they will all be removed. Altogether, these areas total around 29 hectares. We are obliged to remove these trees as soon as possible to help manage the spread of Phytophthora ramorum.

Our climate is changing, bringing new threats to our trees, and we need to build resilience within our forests. With this in mind, we are already planning how we will restock these felled areas with a diverse range of tree species that will thrive in the climate conditions we expect in 2050 and beyond.

I would be grateful if you would be able to share this information through your news channels. We understand that communities may be upset at the change in their countryside and we are keen to explain why this felling is essential for the health of the nation’s forests.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Best wishes, Siân Brewer

Community Ranger, Bristol and Savernake, Forestry England




Neighbourhood Plan Meetings

Details of the village meetings about the neighbourhood plan with timings and zoom link are HERE

Neighbourhood Plan Working Group – Public Meetings

Neighbourhood Plan Working Group – Public Meetings


In the coming week there will be two opportunities to hear a presentation on the work of the Neighbourhood Plan Working Group, ask questions and make comments. On Thursday 9th November there will be an open meeting at 7.30pm in the village hall.  On Wednesday the 8th the same issues will be covered in an online meeting via Zoom.  The link to join the zoom call is


Please join us to have your say in how the village should develop over the next 10 – 15 years.

Fire Safety: Flood Risk: Storm Ciaran

On Wednesday 1st Nov the Parish Council meeting received advice from the County Council regarding Fire Safety, Flood Risk and Storm Ciaran.

Fire safety advice for people experiencing power cuts (

Flood Warden Autumn Newsletter 2023 (

Storm Ciaran: Prepare for potential disruption (

The Parish Council requested that this information should be made available via the village website.


Mark Smith, Website Administrator


Neighbourhood Plan – Public Meetings

The Neighbourhood Plan Working Group have organised two opportunities for residents to receive an update on the work of the group and make their views on the future of the village heard. You can participate either by zoom on Wednesday 8th November or in person in the village hall on Thursday 9th. Details are on this NOTICE which will also be available on noticeboards and social media.

Temporary Road Closure: ttro547197E – Westbury Drove, Westbury

Please follow the link to view the above road closure; and the link for the Notice

The order becomes effective on 09th November 2023 and will remain in
force for eighteen months.

The works are expected to commence on 13th November 2023 and last for 6
hours (09:30-15:30) to enable Openreach to carry out pole recovery work.

The contractor has indicated that access for Emergency Services through
the site is permitted on this occasion.

For any further information about this closure please contact Sunbelt
Rentals on 037000 500 792, quoting reference: ttro547197E.

Please note that should you require to view a closure which is more than
two weeks ahead, you will need to register for free with www.One.Network

With regards,
The Road Closure Team
Email: [2]
Traffic Management, Road Safety and Parking Services
Somerset Council
County Hall
Web: [3]
Travel Somerset – for live travel alerts, roadworks information and
winter weather updates on Twitter @TravelSomerset and online 24/7 at [4]

[1] http://www.One.Network

Somerset Local Bus Petition

Parish Clerks have been asked to publicise a petition calling for Somerset to increase local bus funding.

“Hello all local Parish clerks
If you could circulate the attached petition is would be grately

Your signature on the following bus petition would be greatly

Rosa Kell
Part of

Rosa Kell
Lead on Wells Bus Users Group
tel 07827785677


What makes Westbury special

A report on what makes Westbury a special place, technically called a settlement character assessment or appraisal (SCA), has been prepared by a specialist consultant, Liz Beth. It was commissioned by the parish council to support the development of our neighbourhood plan. In simple terms, its purpose is to tell developers what they need to do to make sure any new development ‘fits in’ or is ‘in keeping’ with the nature of our village.


The report can be looked at HERE


We will make copies avaiable f0r people without the internet to read in convenient locations shortly. There will be a chance to discuss it, and express views before it is formally considered by the parish council, at village meetings on the 8th and 9th November. More details later.


Malcolm Harding’s Barn, Roughmoor Lane – 7.30pm – 11.30 pm

Westbury Friendly Society are holding this event to raise money for Priddy and St. Lawrence’s Schools and hope that the village will support us.

If you would like to join in the spooky atmosphere in the barn, you are invited to come in fancy dress.

Tickets include a Disco and a Pig Roast.  Please bring your own drinks, glasses and nibbles as there will be no bar available.

Tickets £20  children welcome £5 per ticket (please note anyone under 18 must be accompanied by an adult)

Tickets available from the shop or contact Malcolm Harding 870307.

We hope you will join us.



St Lawrence’s Church Events

St. Lawrence’s Church – CHRISTMAS CRAFT MAKING

MONDAY – 23rd OCTOBER at The Old Stores, Wells Road (Linda Mogford’s house) at 10.00 am

You are invited to come along and join in with the making of Angels and any other Christmas crafts you may wish to share.  Decorations will be used in the church and sold at the Christmas Coffee, Cakes and Crafts morning on the 25th November.

For the Angels you will need to bring an old paperback book, a small gold/skin coloured bauble or painted ping pong ball for the face, and some gold/silver tinsel and thin ribbon for hanging the Angel.

If you would like to attend, please let either Linda know on 870817 or Jane Sealy on 870307.  Also, if you have something else you think we could make please let us know asap so that we can let people know what materials to bring.

Thank You.



SATURDAY, 15th NOVEMBER in Westbury Village Hall 10.30am – 1.00 pm

£3 to include entrance and refreshments


Once again, we will be holding our annual Christmas Coffee, Cakes and Crafts morning in the Village Hall.  There will be plenty of stalls with lots of things for sale, Raffle, Cakes & Savouries, Guess the weight of the Cake, Home Produce, China/Glass/Unwanted Gifts, Water into Wine, Guess the name of the Doll, Buried Treasure Map, Toys/Games/Puzzles, Traidcraft, Honey, Crafts, Ripple Effect.

Our fund raising is for the redecoration of the Church which is badly needed so please come along and support us whilst enjoying some lovely refreshments, good company and a chance to buy some things for Christmas.

If you have anything suitable to donate these would be most welcome.  Please leave either in the church or with Linda Mogford.  If you have a spare bottle of wine, this would also be very welcome and can be given to Andrew Sealy or Malcolm Harding.  You never know, you may then be lucky and win more bottles!!

We look forward to seeing you.