Useful Links
Planning Applications
Planning Applications can be viewed on the Somerset Council website at the following link.
Planning Committee Guidance 2023
Parish and Town Council Guidance Spring 2023
A New National Planning Policy Framework was issued at the beginning of July 2021 – National Planning Policy Framework
How to Reply to Planning Applications – This booklet offers a brief introduction to the planning system and the planning application process. Its aim is to help you present your views on planning applications in your area appropriately, effectively, and to the right people. The guide offers information on how different planning applications is assessed, also providing sample letters and emails of support and objection to planning applications.
Broadmead Range at Westbury Sub Mendip Quarry
Permitted Hours of Firing
There shall be no firing of explosive charges or discharge of firearms outside of the hours on 09.30 to 18.00 Monday to Friday. There shall be no explosive firing or discharge of firearms on a Saturday other than on a maximum of 6 Saturdays in any calendar year. All explosive firing or firearm discharge on Saturdays shall take place between the hours of 09.30 – 13.00. There shall be no more than 10 explosions fired on any Saturday and the explosive charge weight of those individual explosions shall not exceed 100g and the total explosive charge weight during any Saturday shall not exceed 500g. There shall be no firing of explosive charges or discharge of firearms on Sundays or Public Bank Holidays.
Reason: In the interests of the recreational amenity of the Mendip Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and the residential amenity of the area.
As ever, the
Zoom Meetings
The Parish Council is now unable to continue virtual meetings via Zoom, but the Council has decided to keep its Zoom Pro account running and to be available for other community organizations. The Protocol for Zoom use is here Virtual Meeting Protocol non-PC
Please contact the Clerk by email ( ) with details of date and time of requested Zoom use. The Clerk will provide login details etc. if the request can be met.
Road Closures
Occasionally there will be roadworks in the area, please click here for the link to for up to date details
Explore Somerset provides a map of rights of way footpaths in the local area.