Welcome to the Westbury-Sub-Mendip Member’s Handbook.  This handbook has been prepared to provide information for new and current Councillors outlining their role and duties as well as providing information for the public.

Contact Information for the Parish Clerk:

Telephone: 01749 343910 Email: clerk@westburysubmendip-pc.gov.uk

Website: www.westburysubmendip-pc.gov.uk

Councillors and Wards

The Councillors, their contact details can be found on the Parish Council page of the website

The Ward Councillors Ros Wyke and Heather Shearer  – Somerset Councillors

Councillors agree to work under the Councillor Code of Conduct and are guided by the Good Councillor Guides produced by NALC:

The Good Councillors guide 2018
The Good Councillors Guide on Finance and Transparency 
The Good Councillors Guide on Neighbourhood Planning 2017 
Good Councillors Guide Transport Planning 
The Good Councillors Guide to Community Business 
The Good Councillors Guide to Cyber Security 
Councillors Workbook on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion 
All About Councils This booklet has a slightly more urban slant and while aimed at a more urban audience is still relevant as a resource to all local councils. There are two brand new case studies and the booklet gives simplified explanations about the role and work of local councils and their councillors, explains the electoral process and provides a number of case studies highlighting the work of a selection of local councils.
It Takes All Sorts This booklet highlights the difference you can make by representing your community on your local council. It explains the role of local councils and local councillors and explains how you can get involved. The booklet also features the thoughts of current councillors from around the country explaining a little about why they represent their communities


Following the lifting of Covid restrictions physical meetings will commence in Westbury-Sub-Mendip Village Hall.

Meetings are usually held on the first Wednesday of the month starting at 7.30pm.

Dates of Meetings May 2023-2024


All planning information can be found on the planning portal page on the Somerset Council Website

Key Documents for Councillors

Finance Documents

All financial documents can be found Audit and Finance Page, this includes the Annual Budget, Asset List, Annual Governance and Accountability Return and details on the Inspection of Accounts.

Governance Documents

The Council’s Standing Orders, Financial Regulations and other policies can also be found on the Governance Page.

Local Councils have a wide range of Powers and Duties, here are the main ones, it is not a complete list of every single power and duty.