Westbury Wildlife

News and information about wildlife in and around the parish.

PEW – Nature Notes for May 2022

Cow Parsley


The link below takes you to a version of the PEW article with colour photographs instead of black & white.



Nature Notes – Orchids from June PEW

Colour photographs for the article on p23 of June 2021 PEW

Common Spotted Orchid

Pyramidal Orchid


Greater Butterfly Orchid


Bee Orchid


Plus two bonus photos:

Early Purple Orchid


White variant of Green-winged Orchid

Strawberry Line Bird Survey

Those keen on wildlife will be interested to see this report on breeding birds along the Strawberry Line.  It suggests that the concentration of breeding birds along the line is greater than in much of the farmland the route passes through – another reason to support the development of off-road paths.