Neighbourhood Plan

Neighbourhood Planning and Roughmoor Lane

In 2022 the parish council agreed that the village needs to create a neighbourhood plan to help shape the development of the village over the next 10 to 20 years. The precise scope of the plan will be determined by the objectives and priorities expressed by the community but plans usually cover social, economic and environmental issues such as the scale and nature of any new housing and the location of community services. The neighbourhood plan process is expected to take up to two years and as it will look forward 10-20 years its scope and focus is wider than just the Roughmoor Lane development site.

The PC appointed 3 of its number (Sue Isherwood, Adamos Euripidou and Ros Wyke) to form the core of a neighbourhood plan steering committee and asked four members of the wider community (Chris Langdon, Mick Fletcher, Tony Wescott and Liz Hughes) to join them.  In February 2023 Liz Hughes resigned owing to pressure of work and was replaced by Dave McGuire. In April 2024 Guy Timson and Penny Colwill joined the group.  It is anticipated that from time-to-time others with specific expertise will be invited to help with particular tasks as necessary. This group has  considered draft terms of reference for the work which have been agreed by the council.  The terms of reference can be seen here.

Further proposals from the church commissioners for developments at Roughmoor Lane, possibly including the brownfield buildings adjacent to the development site, were first expected during September 2022 and then January 2023.  As of June 2023 an application was expected in autumn 2023, focussed on the site allocated in the local plan. As of May 2024 an application was expected in June / July 2024. To avoid duplication of working groups the PC has asked the Neighbourhood plan steering group to also help convene the village response to any Roughmoor Lane development site proposals received, building on the work carried out in the village to date. Information related to the church commissioners’ proposals can be seen on the separate Roughmoor Lane pages of this website.

Clear communication and regular consultation with the village community will be central to both strands of this work. The Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group have therefore  set up separate pages where minutes of all meetings and other documents can be made available for public inspection. (See menu) The alerts service on the website will be used to draw attention to new items placed there.

At several stages in the preparation of the Neighbourhood plan it will be necessary to consult residents about priorities and choices. For the plan to pass examination and formally be adopted it will need to demonstrate that the consultation mechanisms have been both effective and inclusive. The processes adopted will be designed to that end.

A map of the boundaries for the Neighbourhood Plan (which are the same as the Civil Parish boundaries) is here : Westbury Sub Mendip Parish Map

Neighbourhood Plan Priorities Survey. May 2024

A link to enable you to complete the new Neighbourhood Plan Priorities Survey is below. If you click on the link, the introduction will explain why this survey is different to anything you have already seen, and why it is important. While hard copies have been circulated to every residential address in the parish, it will save a great deal of time and effort if you complete it on line using a phone, PC or tablet. The website will accept one completed form per device per address.

The link is