Westbury Society Meeting – CHERT, Community Archaeology

Westbury Village Hall Hannah's Lane

2019 Barry Lane Lecture Vince Russett talks about the archaeological discoveries made by the Charterhouse and Environs Research Team, explains their contribution to our understanding of Mendip's history, and reveals the […]

Westbury Society online talk

Wells & Mendip Museum - Collections, Collectors and Curators To fully appreciate a museum's collections you need to understand the collectors and the curators. David Walker, the current curator, shows some […]

Westbury Society online talk

Reptiles of Somerset with John Dickson,  Reptile and Amphibian Group for Somerset,   All of Britain's widespread reptiles are found in Somerset, though some far more frequently than others. John explains how […]

Westbury Society online talk – 2021 Barry Lane Lecture

A Prehistoric Ritual Centre: The Power of Priddy Dr Jodie Lewis For the last 15 years, Dr Jodie Lewis has been investigating Mendip's many ritual sites. Her recent excavations of newly-discovered […]

Westbury Society Talk – Water

Westbury Village Hall Hannah's Lane

Water - and the issues for Westbury A talk by Emma Giffard & Ann Langdon Non-members most welcome  
