WsM Website Training
WsM Website Training
Training for anyone interested in posting material on the village website. Please contact the Clerk, Rachel Spiller, via email at clerk@westburysubmendip-pc.gov.uk if you would like to attend.
Training for anyone interested in posting material on the village website. Please contact the Clerk, Rachel Spiller, via email at clerk@westburysubmendip-pc.gov.uk if you would like to attend.
The Community Shop Open Evening, featuring the unveiling of The Westbury Sub Mendip Nativity Scene. Festive refreshments. Raffle. Cards, wrapping paper, calendars and gifts. Order forms for Christmas food, cheese boards and hand made sustainable wreaths.
Geoff Carss reveals how SERP works with local communities and landowners to help critically endangered eels in Somerset's rivers NB this talk is on the fourth Thursday in the month, not the usual third.