Cider, Apples and Trees -an accidental journey

Westbury Village Hall Hannah's Lane

2023.10.10 Apples and cider Westbury WI invite you to hear Mick Fletcher talk on Cider, Apples and Trees -an accidental journey   Everyone is welcome, please come along and enjoy a glass of wine, or soft drink before we listen to the talk.

Westbury Tree Nursery – Work Party

Community Tree Nursery Court House Farm

Working session at the tree nursery (behind Court House Farm) from 10.00 until 1.00 pm. All welcome.  Tools provided

St. Lawrence’s Church – CHRISTMAS CRAFT MAKING

St. Lawrence’s Church – CHRISTMAS CRAFT MAKING MONDAY – 23rd OCTOBER at The Old Stores, Wells Road (Linda Mogford’s house) at 10.00 am You are invited to come along and join in with the making of Angels and any other Christmas crafts you may wish to share.  Decorations will be used in the church and […]

Westbury Tree Nursery – Work Party

Working session at the tree nursery (behind Court House Farm) from 10.00 until 1.00 pm. All welcome.  Tools provided


THIS EVENT IS NOW CANCELLED   Malcolm Harding’s Barn, Roughmoor Lane – 7.30pm – 11.30 pm   Westbury Friendly Society are holding this event to raise money for Priddy and St. Lawrence’s Schools and hope that the village will support us. If you would like to join in the spooky atmosphere in the barn, you […]

Neighbourhood Plan Public Meeting

Westbury Village Hall Hannah's Lane

An opportunity to hear a presentation on the work of the Neighbourhood Plan Working Group, ask questions and make comments.