Westbury Inn – new kitchen opening

Westbury Inn

Andy and his team plan to start serving food from their new kitchen on Friday 10th November. Promises to be an interesting evening, so don't miss it!

Westbury Society

Westbury Village Hall Hannah's Lane

Evening meeting. Two Hundred Years of Archaeology on and around Mendip, and Barry Lane's contribution to it. David Dawson


Carol Singing

Westbury Village Hall Hannah's Lane

Meet 6pm outside the Village Hall. This year the route is up Hannah's Lane and Back Lane, then down Free Hill, finishing in The Square with mulled cider and apple juice.

Westbury Society

Westbury Village Hall Hannah's Lane

Evening meeting - details TBC


Primrose Concert and Tea

Saturday 10th March 2018 at 3pm
St Lawrence Church
Westbury Sub Mendip
A Mix of Ballads, Jazz, Songbook & Original Songs
Delicious cakes and tea to be served in the interval.
Primroses in the churchyard
Exhibition by local artists
Donations towards the upkeep of our historic church
Charity No 1050069