Scarecrow Competition

The closing date for the Friendly Societies Scarecrow Competition is 1st June at midday.  For further details see the Friendly Society webpage.

Friendly Society

The next committee meeting will be held in the Westbury Inn commencing at 6:00p.m.

Archaeological Dig

  The Westbury Society Archaeology Group will be investigating a possible Romano-British site in the parish during the week beginning Monday 18th June. If you'd like to join us for this dig, please get in touch using the contact form on this website's Westbury Society page.

Westbury Friendly Society

Village Day - We have moved from 19th May, just for this year, as it clashes with both the Royal Wedding and the Cup Final.  It is now to be on Saturday 30th June 2018.  For further details see the Friendly Society Web Page.

Westbury Glow-worm Walk

Medlar House, The Square

Meet at Medlar House. Groups will walk different routes around the parish, and glow-worms are guaranteed! Wear walking boots or stout shoes and bring a torch. Routes are on footpaths or quiet lanes, so suitable for almost everyone.  

Community Shop AGM

Westbury Village Hall Hannah's Lane

Agenda Wednesday 22nd August 2018, 6.30 Westbury Village Hall. 1. Apologies. 2. Minutes of the AGM 29.06.2017 3. Matters arising from previous AGM. 4. Chairman's remarks. 5. 2017 Accounts and Treasurer's report. 6. Shop Operations Committee report. 7. Membership report. 8. Plans for 2018 and 2019. 9. To appoint accountants to conduct an independent […]

Village Website introductory workshop

Community Shop Hub Room

Would you like to be able to add content to this website? It is easier than you might think! On Tuesday afternoon 16th October at 2:30 in the shop's backroom, Mark Smith will give an introduction to updating the village website. Please apply for a place on the workshop to the Clerk, Matthew Cheney, by […]
