Westbury WI – Monthly Meeting

The Westbury-sub-Mendip WI meets  at 7.30 pm on the second Tuesday of the month in the Village Hall, Hannah’s Lane.

Friendly Society – Village Day

Village Day - note that this weekend is a week earlier than in the past and is the weekend before the bank holiday  

Friendly Society – Club Day

Club Day - Sunday 21st May 2017 Our Programme for the day is: - 10:00   Everyone is welcome to join us for the day starting at The Old Vicarage Judging of the Fancy Dress Competition on the front lawn of The Old Vicarage. 10:30   Parade through the Village 11:00   Roll Call at the Westbury Inn 11:30   […]

Westbury, Let’s Blog!

Community Shop Hub Room

Discover how to Blog, and… Get Inspired to Blog! Note the new date and time.... 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm Community Shop Back Room, Friday 16th June A (Free) workshop led by Claire Sully of Tickbox Marketing   Interested? Call or Email Mark Smith to ask for info, or book a place: 01749-871076                clerk@westburysubmendip-pc.gov.uk […]


Westbury Cidermakers Guild

Westbury Inn

  Westbury cidermaking Interested in making cider using traditional methods? Come to our next quarterly meeting on Tuesday 27th June at 8pm in the Westbury Inn.   The next pressing will be in October. We'll decide the date nearer the time once we know when the cider apples are ready for picking.   Don't be put […]

Parish Council Meeting

Westbury Village Hall Hannah's Lane

Members of the Public are welcome to observe all Parish Council meetings. Exceptionally, Members of the Public may be asked to leave temporarily when HR or contractual matters are being discussed.   Members of the Public may address the Parish Council on any topic for up to three minutes before the start of the meeting, […]

Community Shop AGM

The Westbury Sub Mendip Community Shop Ltd Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday 29th June at 6:30pm in the Village Hall.

Westbury Friendly Society – Committee Meeting

The next Committee Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 11th July to be held in the Westbury Inn commencing at 6:00 p.m.  The agenda will be issued a few days before the meeting.