Westbury Village Hall Hannah's Lane

2022.7.12 dark skies Westbury WI Judith Chubb- Whittle will be talking about Dark Skies 7.30 pm in the Village Hall Non members £4.50 It would be lovely to see you Contact Sue 870618 for more details

Members free

Turn Up And Play Tennis

Robert Glanville Playing Field Roughmoor Lane, Westbury-sub-Mendip, Somerset, United Kingdom

Meeting at Westbury Sub Mendip Playing Field Tennis court at 4pm on Fridays. All Welcome!

Turn Up And Play Tennis

Robert Glanville Playing Field Roughmoor Lane, Westbury-sub-Mendip, Somerset, United Kingdom

Meeting at Westbury Sub Mendip Playing Field Tennis court at 4pm on Fridays. All Welcome!

Turn Up And Play Tennis

Robert Glanville Playing Field Roughmoor Lane, Westbury-sub-Mendip, Somerset, United Kingdom

Meeting at Westbury Sub Mendip Playing Field Tennis court at 4pm on Fridays. All Welcome!

Turn Up And Play Tennis

Robert Glanville Playing Field Roughmoor Lane, Westbury-sub-Mendip, Somerset, United Kingdom

Turn Up And Play Tennis

Robert Glanville Playing Field Roughmoor Lane, Westbury-sub-Mendip, Somerset, United Kingdom

Book of condolence for Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II

St Lawrence's Church , United Kingdom

A book for condolence messages is open in the village church. If you would like to visit St Lawrence's Church the front door is open. Please feel welcome to sign the book and to light a candle if you wsh  

Westbury Society Talk – Water

Westbury Village Hall Hannah's Lane

Water - and the issues for Westbury A talk by Emma Giffard & Ann Langdon Non-members most welcome  
