Thursday 7th November 2019
Each session of the Friendly Society affectionately known as the ‘Club’ lasts for a period of 3 years. On 31st October 2019 the current ‘Club’ comes to an end. The community must now decide whether they want to reform and continue the good work that has been carried out over previous years.
We must continue to keep local traditions alive, to be proud of our village, and sustain a society which provides a great deal towards the social and community life of Westbury-sub-Mendip. All funds raised by the society are directed back to benefit the community within Westbury in the form of donations, grants and supporting events. During the last three years we have provided over £5000 in the form of grants and free events for the community. Grants have been given to the Village Hall, Community Shop, PTA, the Playing Field, and many others. In addition to facilitating the annual Village Day event, amongst the activities we provide are a Children’s Easter Egg Hunt and a Mystery Outing for our senior citizens.
For this to continue your support is needed. If you would like to see the Friendly Society continue why not join us on Thursday 7th November 2019 at 7:00p.m. in the Westbury Inn to support the formation of a new Friendly Society and elect a new Committee. To join please complete the ‘Expression of Interest’ section on the back of this letter and return it to the Village Stores. Membership of the Friendly Society is the princely sum of £10 for the 3 years the Club is in existence. Immediately following the introductory meeting why not participate in the New Club Sign Up Supper (£15 per person, to be paid directly to the Westbury Inn). If you are interested in joining us for supper please provide details of your menu selection. Alternatively come along and sign up and enjoy a drink at the bar from 9:00 p.m.
A letter will shortly be issued to all residents inviting them to join the New Club Sign Up Supper.
Saturday 30th June 2018 – Village Day Our traditional day for Village Day has been moved from 19th May, just for this year, as it clashes with both the Royal Wedding and the Cup Final. Please could any or all those involved let their plans, views and ideas be known to Peter as Secretary of the Friendly Society (see contacts at the back of the PEW). The more Village organisations are involved the better.
Mystery Tour:- This is being planned for Monday 3rd September however this year will include a charge of £10 for Friendly Society members (£12 for non-members). This will contribute to the increasing costs of the Mystery tour day. Anyone who is a resident of Westbury and is 65 or over or who is married to someone over 65 is eligible. You should receive an invitation at the beginning of August.
Monday 10th September 2018: – The next committee meeting will be held in the Westbury Inn commencing at 6:00p.m.
Saturday 10th November A date for your diary! A dinner in the Village Hall is being organised by John Crickett appreciating ‘100 years on from the Armistice in 1918’. More details will be available in September.
Friday 7th December In the Village hall the Friendly Society Quiz and Raffle night. Teams of 4 @£5a head.
Easter Egg Hunt -2nd April 2018:- This years Easter Egg Hunt was once again based at Harding’s Barn. There was a good display of Easter Bonnets and decorated eggs. Young and old enjoyed the hunt for tokens which were exchanged for Easter Eggs on the competitors return. Tea and hot-cross buns albeit cold were a welcome refreshment on everyone’s return after the hunt. Every child returned home with a number of Easter Eggs. We are grateful to the Harding Family for allowing us once again to use their barn. . .
to be updated.